John MonteverdiEmeritus Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth & Climate Sciences

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John P. Monteverdi, Ph.D., C.C.M

FieldPictureBiographical Sketch

I've been at San Francisco State since September 1979.

I received an MA and PhD from UC Berkeley in 1970 and 1978, respectively and received the American Meteorological Society’s (AMS) designation as Certified Consulting Meteorologist in 1987. I was invested as a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences in 1995.

My expertise is grounded in my experience and research in weather analysis and forecasting, severe and unusual storms in California and elsewhere, and in tornadic thunderstorms. My interests center on weather pattern interpretation, radar and satellite image analysis, extreme rainfall event analysis and characterization, and many other aspects in synoptic and mesoscale meteorology and climatology.














Public Weather Forecasting Practicum, San Francisco State University, 2006

Forensic Meteorology Consulting Practice

While continuing to teach in the undergraduate and graduate program in atmospheric sciences at San Francisco State University (SFSU), I started a consulting practice, Mayacamas Weather Consultant,s in the early 1980s. Since then, this practice has included advising as an expert witness in over 150 cases involving forensic meteorology, past weather event reconstruction, extreme rainfall and wind event analyses. I also have been retained for weather forecasting services, wind analyses, climatological site assessments and other activities related to my expertise.

Severe Weather Research

While in his position at SFSU, Dr. Monteverdi served as Chair of the Department of Geosciences in the 1990s and as Co-Editor of the AMS journal Weather and Forecasting. He has published over 30 journal articles on severe and unusual storms, and produced another 70 articles and conference proceedings and abstracts during this time. In October 1995 he was elected as a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences in testimony to his research on California tornadic thunderstorms. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Electronic Journal of Severe Storm Meteorology.














Urban Flash Flood, San Francisco State University, February 24, 2004

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